Небольшое интервью совсем молоденького Дэвида изданию Jolie-Magazin
http://davidgarrett.forums.umusic.co.uk … geIndex=12
- Long hair, casual outfit - you are believed to be the rockstar of classical music. Are you going to smash your violin on the stage sometime?
- Never, it is much to valuable. What the rockstars smash are only duplicates. My part would be the destructed hotel room, because I am really messy.
- 10 month a year you are on the road. What are you doing beeing at home in New York?
- Go out! For every day of the week there is a great club in New York. If I was on tour for a long time and haven´t seen my friends, I love to spend some bottles. 3000 Euro forgathers on one evening.
- Time, maintaining friendship is not natural for you. Ostensible you were a lonely child.....
- Playing classical music is not the coolist thing of the world in you peer group. Therefore I was very isolated, I sometimes felt badly left alone. I was teached by private teachers until I was 17. I have never seen other teenagers, once in a while my siblings.
- How many hours a day did you spent with your violin?
- At least 3 hours, sometimes seven. Since I was 4 this is my workload - til now.
- On your own admission you have been rather a nerd, captured in the music.
- I was really nerdy. But it was not my charge, it was because my parents chosed my clothes. (laughs)
- Today you are a female heart throb. Would you serenade a woman to impress her?
- Of course I hope to enchant a woman without playing. And if this doesn´t work, serenading her makes no sense.
- On your new album there is the theme of the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean" . How about music for the new Johnny Depp Movie?
- I am interested in film-music if the script is good. Preferably I would love to play for Keira Knightley.