Hier stelle ich mein Notenheft „David Garrett Best of Violin“ bei der musikmesse Frankfurt vor. https://www.david-garrett-shop.com/…/no … t-of-viol…
Introducing my sheet music „David Garrett Best of Violin“ at the Music Fair Frankfurt. https://www.david-garrett-shop.com/…/mu … est-of-vi…
"Представляю своё нотное издание «David Garrett Best of Violin» на Музыкальной ярмарке во Франкфурте"
https://www.facebook.com/davidgarrettof … mp;theater
track list:
He's A Pirate (Hans Zimmer)
Nothing Else Matters (Metallica)
Tico Tico (Paco de Lucia)
Dangerous (David Guetta)
Cry Me A River (Justin Timberlake)
Furious (David Garrett / Frank van der Heijden)
Summertime (George Gershwin)
The 5th (Ludwig van Beethoven)
Bitter Sweet Symphony (The Verve)
November Rain (Guns ‘n’ Roses)
Zorba’s Dance (Mikis Theodorakis)
Io Ti Penso Amore (Niccolò Paganini)
Aint No Sunshine (Bill Withers)
Kashmir (Led Zeppelin)
O mio babbino caro (Giacomo Puccini )