Один из дополнительных концертов Virtuoso тура, который состоял из двух частей: классической (с украинской пианисткой Миланой Чернявской) и кроссоверной (с бэндом)
Photo by Stefan M. Prager/Redferns
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Вы здесь » DAVID GARRETT RUSSIAN FORUM » Showcases/Festivals/Promo/Live gigs » 18.05.2008 Muenchen - Philharmonie im Gasteig/ классика и кроссовер
Один из дополнительных концертов Virtuoso тура, который состоял из двух частей: классической (с украинской пианисткой Миланой Чернявской) и кроссоверной (с бэндом)
Photo by Stefan M. Prager/Redferns
*по ссылке хоть и 10 фото, но они просто дублирующие
Отзыв зрителя
http://www.david-garrett-fans.com/engli … 0518munich
Dear David, dear fans,
I was listenig to this wonderful concert together with my daughter. Therefore I just have one very important “input” which I would like to give to David’s management:
The spoken words between the songs which we found so friendly and familiar were not very well understandable as David turned his head sometimes when he was standing in front of the microphone.
So as we would like that the audience in the future would be able to enjoy not only the music but every single world we would be very happy if our little mail could be given forward to the responsable person for the “stage sound”.
Thanks a lot dear David for an unforgettable evening with an unforgettable sound of violin and your “fresh and authentic personality”.
Lisa H, 20th May
Вы здесь » DAVID GARRETT RUSSIAN FORUM » Showcases/Festivals/Promo/Live gigs » 18.05.2008 Muenchen - Philharmonie im Gasteig/ классика и кроссовер